Friday, June 28, 2013

Watching my little brother grow up

When we were little the three-year age gap between my brother and I both worked in our favor and worked against us.  We had many days of playing make believe and we also had many days spent arguing.  I remember the day when I woke up and felt too old to play make believe and a little too cool to be hanging out with my baby brother and the thought of that even makes me feel sad.  As if precious time was wasted. Regardless of what day we woke up and had, Ryan and I always remained close and one thing has always been certain, I love my baby brother to the moon and back.  A couple months ago Ryan made the decision to attend college 5 hours away and while my initial reaction was pure excitement, it didn't take long for it to settle in and make me sad.  I realized that I've been spoiled these last 21 years to have him so close by and that come August that wont be the same.  It first hit me when he had prom just a few short weeks ago and then again on Monday when he graduated.  It was funny to see my parents so stoic at graduation meanwhile I'm sitting next to them trying not too cry and failing terribly.  I'm so proud of my little brother and all of his accomplishments.  I've always stuck up for him and pushed him to be a better kid and it's nice to see that he's turning into a phenomenal man.

When I was Ryan's age I couldn't help but feel like I would never know more than I knew in that moment...but boy was I wrong.  My hope for Ryan is that he approaches college with that in mind.  Life lessons and an abundance of knowledge will come his way these next few years and I just hope he soaks it all in.  

Now excuse me while I go cry...

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