I found this amazing post today on the blog Chatting at the Sky about what had been learned in the month of June and since Emily was encouraging her readers to write their own post, I felt inspired!
1. It's important to keep an open mind. At the beginning of June I moved back to school to work for a couple of weeks. I mentioned in a previous blog post that I had felt nervous to do so because many of my friends had graduated. My nerves caused me to be a bit removed from the group and first and it didn't take me long to realize that I had to open up more. Being pushed outside of my comfort zone was so beneficial.
2. To love myself even the parts that aren't so great. 2&3 sort of go hand and hand. I found myself these past couple of weeks encouraging others to love themselves, even the parts they aren't fond of. So for me, that would be my anxiety. God made me this way and I've come to understand that he did so because I bring something completely different to the table. It helps me to think of it that way and it also helps me to come to terms with what I cannot change. I can always work on dealing with my anxiety and I do daily, but it is who I am. Going hand and hand with that lesson, I'm finding it crucial to come to terms with things I cannot change in general. Life is stubborn sometimes and just because I can't get something to go my way doesn't mean the world will end.
3. To embrace what I cannot change.
4. I will never stop learning. Watching my brother and his class graduate on Monday was basically mind blowing. It was a total flashback. I could remember how it felt to be that senior in high school who was graduating and heading to college. I remember how I felt that I would never know more than I knew in that moment. I was so wrong. Life has taught me that I will never stop learning. In three years, what I have come to know through various life experiences is a significant amount more than I knew as a high school senior. It's truly brilliant to think about.
5. Seeing the glass half full is much better than seeing it half empty. I'm not always a negative Nancy, but a lot of the time I can be. I hate change and I also hate when things don't go how I pictured them. It frustrates me to no end and I'm working on it, but it's been teaching me the positives of seeing the glass half full rather than seeing it half empty. Life won't kick me in the ass as much if I start looking at it from that perspective.
6. Dunkin' Donuts still does not beat out Starbucks for me. I really try to like Dunkin' more because, you know, it's cheaper and with Starbucks recent hike in prices, it's more fitting for a college student. However, every freaking time I get a latte I hate it. I got one today and it tasted like I was drinking cigarette water, or how I'd imagine that would taste.
7. New underwear is always a good idea. I typically feel guilty for buying myself something but today I bought new underwear and realized that doing that every once in a while is a fantastic idea. Out with the old and in with the new.
8. I hate loud televisions. No one needs to blast a T.V....
9. God has blessed me. I've always known this but it seems like each month he shows me another reason why that's true.