Thursday, August 1, 2013

Things I've learned in July

For as fast as July felt like it went, it also feels like it has been so long.  I think in between the craziness that July brought, it also had some phenomenal lessons.

1.  I am not ready to have kids.  This is obvious I guess, since I'm not married or whatever and I'm only 21...but July made me really aware of this fact.  At the beginning of the month Tim and I took a trip to Buffalo to visit my family and I have a ton of little cousins under the age of 7.  It doesn't take long to realize how much of a handful kids really are, even if they are cute as a button.  I just remember looking at Tim and saying "we should wait until we are 1,000 years old."
2.  I shouldn't drink caffeine.  Sometimes I like to test my limits with this stuff but all it does is make me anxious.  
3.  4th of July is a pretty fun holiday.  4th of July, for obvious reasons, is a pretty decent holiday, but growing up we never put much focus on it.  This year, maybe it was because we were on vacation and I was with family, but 4th of July was really good.  
4.  I miss my family in Buffalo.  Since we've already been on the subject of Buffalo I feel like it's safe to just throw out there the fact that I really miss my family.  I don't think this was new information to me, but this vacation made it particularly hard to leave.  I love being around the little cousins and my aunts, uncles and grandparents.  I feel so in my element when I'm there and you throw Tim in the mix and I'm just sold.  
5.  Fast food is both a good and awful idea.  A couple weeks ago Tim and I were feeling spontaneous and were like "omg...let's get Burger King" and for two people who never eat fast food we didn't think it was a bad idea.  And it wasn't a bad idea until like an hour later when both of us were on the couch dying.  
6.  Sometimes it's nice to spend money on yourself.  I've been saving these bullets in my phone for the whole month and for the life of my I can't remember why I put this one.  I hate spending money...but I guess there's a point to it.  I'm generally the type of person that likes to give to other people.  I love how happy it makes them, but every once in a while it's nice to give to yourself.  
7.  Life isn't perfect, neither am I.
8.  Growth is important.
9.  Turning 21 isn't so bad.  It's nice to be able to order a drink in public!


  1. Enjoy those 20's (!) and try the Kid's meal when feeding the "fast food" craving. It works for me, less food but all the flavor.

    1. Ahh such a good idea! Thanks for the tip :) and thanks for reading!

  2. 9) Happy 21st Birthday, Darling! My niece turned 21 this month, too. 1) I think this is GREAT. When I was 21, I was in a terrible hurry to get married and have kids. I put a lot of pressure on myself and made a lot of bad decisions for a long, long time: I think, in part, because I knew my mom married at 17 and had me at 21. God's timing is perfect, you know? Getting married at 33 and having babies at 34, 36, and 38 was just perfect for me. Only I'd already gotten married, the first time, at 23 and had a baby at 25. I'm not big on regrets because how can I regret my oldest baby? But I guess I'm encouraging you to take your time and ENJOY your 20's. ENJOY being child-free. Be happy. Be silly. Bloom in Jesus. Sending so much love and so many good wishes! Pleased to make you acquaintance via Chatting at the Sky.

    1. Thank so much for your kind words and thank you for reading! Please continue to visit my little end of the internet :)
