Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Anxiety Diaries, extending my comfort zone

Everyone has a comfort zone…that’s just common knowledge.  Howevvveeerrrr, for people with anxiety our comfort zone is like a bed of fantastically comfortable blankets in which we refuse to leave.  Leaving is terrifying….like “holy crap” scary.  We often watch from the sidelines and think, “That looks like so much fun, but no really…I’ll stay here!”

I've found lately in my life especially that I’d like to get rid of this comfort zone.
Dear Comfort Zone,

Go. Away.



I’d like to start doing things that would otherwise make me uncomfortable.  For example, I hate when the attention is on me because I obviously just assume that I am awkward and fugly* and that everyone knows it but lies to my face.  Anyway, I try to avoid doing things that make me look like a fool because in my head I already look like one (wow that sounds stupid when I say it out loud.)  The point is, the other day I was at an event for my school and that song that you do “The Wobble” too came on and all of my friends ran out into the middle to start dancing.  I obviously stayed on the sidelines with a girlfriend of mine who also has anxiety because, you know, fuzzy comfy blankets…obv not leaving!  One of our friends ran back and grabbed the both of us, dragged us to the center, taught us “The Wobble,” and made us dance.  I later thanked him.  He probably thought I was a crazy person, but seriously I was so thankful.  I felt like I had climbed Mt. Everest and held a dance party at the top.  Here I was in my damn navy blue bicycle print dress (yep, you can find it at Target) dancing to “The Wobble” and I was having the time of my life.  I didn't care that I looked like a fool, because you do, you just do when you are doing this dance.  If you don’t know it, look it up, teach it to yourself and then dance it alone.  Wobble till you can’t freaking Wobble anymore.  I was proud.  I had left my comfort zone and didn't even want to go back.  I’d like to make this a trend in life because leaving my comfort zone was so refreshing.

Since this moment I have tried to push myself a little farther in life and let me tell's so rewarding!  I think if you do one thing a day that you normally wouldn't do, then you've been successful.  Ever since I made the decision to push myself more, it feels like certain daily anxieties that I would have have subdued.  I know this isn't a result from just that, but I'd like to think it plays a huge part.

If you are the type to stay within your comfort zone typically...I challenge you!  Go do something you wouldn't normally do and just feel amazing about it.  It helps.


*Look this word up on Urban Dictionary…thank me later ;)

**I am not an expert in anxiety and if you are feeling it intensely, please seek help in some way!  This series is not meant to be anything other than my experience with my own anxiety.  I hope it provides everyone a little laughter and a lot of relief.  


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