Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Anxiety Diaries, pray more...worry less

A friend of mine has a phone case that on the back says “Pray More, Worry Less.”


I want this phone case but because life is unfair and I can’t afford the iPhone 5 (which the case is made for…only) I am SOL.  ANYWAY.  What a great way to look at things right?  Sometimes I wake up with the most irrational worries and they consume me.  It’s no way to live life, honestly.  When I saw my friends phone case the other day I thought, “That’s it, that’s the ticket!” 

Life happens, in reality we can control very little of it.  It’s not worth consuming yourself with worries that are out of your hand, just pray about them!

There are days I wake up and honestly start worrying about my life two years from now.  No, I’m not kidding and to tell you the truth, writing this, I don’t think I can tell you exactly what I worry about.  Obviously there are worries in life that are natural.  They are things we should be worrying about.  Then there are others…worries that consume us with no real reason at all.  I know for me I have started to take a step back in times that I am worrying most and think, “Is this really worth it right now?  Should I be concerned about it?”  If not, I try to stop.  I can’t control everything (although, I would absolutely love that but I am not God, so there’s that.)  It’s helped.  Even if I’m not perfect at it yet, the thought of trying makes me feel good about myself…proud even. 

I am the type of person who is always worrying about the future as opposed to living in the moment and I’ve missed out on a lot because of it….but that’s a topic for next week. 

The point is, pray more…worry less.  Let life happen.

**I am not an expert in anxiety and if you are feeling it intensely, please seek help in some way!  This series is not meant to be anything other than my experience with my own anxiety.  I hope it provides everyone a little laughter and a lot of relief.  


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