I'll never forget the day 9/11 happened, mostly because I don't think any nine year old at that time could forget the confusion we all felt. I can't say for sure if I truly understood what was going on that day, all I remember is being terrified I cried because my mom cried and I was scared because I knew she was. For months afterward the sight and sound of an airplane sent me running, sometimes crying. I think most kids' parents sheltered them from the news and magazine covers, but mine didn't. Not because they didn't want to, but because I was curious, I couldn't stand to look away from the television and I surely couldn't help picking up the publications at our local A&P. As time went on I became increasingly unnerved because I knew more and more. I began to understand what this world was like.
My mom brings up the same story every time we discuss 9/11. She remembers me being so concerned that someday I would have to explain this to my children. She told me I thought long and hard on the situation and of all things to upset me, that seemed to be the worst. What a wise thought for a 9-year-old. If I think back now I vaguely remember telling my dad that it bothered me that my children would learn about this day in their history classes. My children will come home one day and ask me if I remember what it was like when the Twin Towers fell and that makes me sad.
This brings me all to today. Yesterday, a person or a group of people bombed the Boston Marathon. While we don't know if it was an attack sent from abroad or one sent from the confines of our country, to see the words 'terrorist attack' in the news again on our soil is scary. But what I found to be more upsetting was the fact that I didn't feel surprised. Disturbed? Yes. Surprised? No. My mind quickly searched for the memory of 9/11 and I couldn't help feeling sad. Just another thing for the history books.
My parents and Tim asked me not to go into work today and at first I fought them on the idea. I felt safe enough to go in, I trust my county. At the same time, I'm a little glad I didn't. Instead, I will donate blood today and continue to pray for the runners and their families as well as the onlookers affected by the bombs.
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